Care Resources Helps Older Adults Remain at Home as Long as Safely Possible

Indeed, there’s “no place like home.” But when home becomes a difficult place to navigate, that’s when a partner like Care Resources can provide peace of mind — and they’ll come to your doorstep to make it happen.

“Our approach ensures that you’re going to be comfortable and safe in your home,” says Barb Scothorn, an intake, enrollment and home care manager at Care Resources, which provides wraparound support services to hundreds of qualifying adults 55 and older living in Kent and parts of surrounding counties.

With its headquarters and Day Center located in Grand Rapids at 4150 Kalamazoo Ave. SE, Care Resources offers in-home options that include medical care, prescription help, dietary advice, transportation needs, physical and occupational therapy and much more.

“Our goal is to help people avoid nursing facilities,” says Scothorn, who emphasizes that an entire team works as one to create the best-case solutions for participants, based on their specific needs and wants.

Click here to learn more about the in-home services Care Resources provides to its participants.

Last updated 5.8.2024 I H5610_WEB

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