David West RISE Above Award

Care Resources is fortunate to have so many hard-working staff members who go above and beyond their daily roles to serve our participants. In 2023, we formed the RISE Committee (Recognize, Inspire, Shine, Exceed the limits) so we can spotlight these outstanding employees! RISE recipients are nominated by their coworkers and chosen by a dedicated committee. Check out each month’s recipients below!

August 2024 Isamar G. (Lead Scheduler)

”Izzy” is an inspiration on how one can grow their career while giving back. She began her career at Care Resources PACE in the Day Center as an aide for our participants. Because of her growing skills and abilities, she was promoted to Lead Scheduler. She coordinates the specialty providers, makes outside appointments, and has many other duties. Izzy completes all of her tasks without reminders, and those that work with her know she’ll get the job done every time. She deserves a RISE award for always offering a helping hand anytime she’s available. She helps translate patient concerns and provider plans for participants who speak Spanish and may need help communicating. In turn, it has helped avoid unnecessary testing and ER visits. She’s able to educate participants and their families and bridge the gap for when language and cultural differences can be a barrier in providing the best care possible. Izzy, thank you for being a part of our team, we’re so lucky to have you!

July 2024 Melissa R. (Day Center PCA)

Melissa was nominated because of her compassion, commitment, and love for participants. Earlier this year, Melissa was on an escort when she noticed a flower delivery van was parked in the shop’s only handicapped parking spot. She called the flower company to report this and as a thank you, the shop gave her a $100 voucher. Rather than use the voucher for herself, she asked if she could get 100 green carnations for our participants on St. Patrick’s Day. The shop agreed to give her some carnations but told her the total cost would exceed the voucher. Melissa didn’t give up though and was able to get all 100 carnations after contacting their suppliers. That day, she dressed up as a leprechaun and handed out the flowers to participants. On holidays and spirit weeks, she’s known to put on fun inflatable costumes and participants love having their pictures taken with her. In addition to Melissa’s kind and fun spirit, she’s also extremely organized, especially when getting participants on the bus. She’s a team player who goes out of her way to be helpful to all staff and is always ready to help wherever needed. Melissa, thank you for all that you do for our participants! 

June 2024 Lorelei S. (Recreational Therapist)

Lorelei is always helpful, supportive, and takes on responsibilities whenever she sees a need while remaining calm in the process. A prime example of this was when Lorelei jumped into action during a flooding incident in the building. She grabbed a mop and helped clean up without hesitation. She’s very respected by her co-workers, and jumps in to help every discipline on the Northwest team as needed. She’s become a fourth member of the team for Day Room B. She often leaves her own work as a Recreational Therapist to assist and goes above and beyond by stepping into the role of a Participant Care Assistant (PCA) as needed. She’s become someone the team can always count on to be there and help out. Lorelei, thank you for being such a great example of what it means to be a team player and always looking out for your co-workers!

May 2024 Denise W. (Social Worker)

Denise is always pleasant and kind to participants and truly cares about their needs. When you go to her with participant concerns, she listens and addresses any concerns they may have. She’s always smiling and goes out of her way to go to the Day Center to visit participants on a daily basis. She makes our participants laugh and feel special when they come to the Day Center. Denise is always willing to share her considerable knowledge and help whenever needed. She’s always there with her great sense of humor to brighten someone else’s day. Thank you Denise, we think you’re awesome!

April 2024 Tara D. (Home Health Aide)

Tara accepts difficult assignments without hesitation, never complains, and is always willing to help. She has a kind heart and takes great care of participants! An example of this was when she visited a participant’s home while they were in the hospital to check on their pet and make sure they were okay. Another participant shared her life was immeasurably better thanks to Tara. She was so thankful for her care and presence in her life and for all of the joy Tara brings to her. Tara, we’re so lucky to have you on our team! Your dedication to our participants is amazing!

March 2024 Keoina B. (Recreational Therapy Assistant)

Keoina always goes above and beyond in her work and is amazing. Recently, she helped plan a photoshoot for participants and staff members. She took the time to pair participants with staff they had relationships with to ensure they were comfortable and at ease. She has worked extremely hard every February to make Black History Month very special for both participants and staff. She put in extra hours, made numerous calls to set up programs and guest speakers, and went above and beyond in setting up the Black History Museum. Keoina is an amazing person who has a special heart for our participants (and others) and deserves this recognition!

February 2024 Kelly M. (Social Worker)

Kelly goes above and beyond every day to provide support to participants who attend the Center. She always makes herself available to talk when needed, often problem-solving, providing information, and reassurance. There was one particular participant who would always insist on talking to Kelly each time he attended the Center. No matter how busy she was, Kelly would always show up to talk to him and provide comfort. His passing was very difficult for staff, and Kelly would help them during this difficult time by listening and providing comfort when it was needed. Kelly takes every chance to show her participants they are important and worthy of a good quality of life. She tirelessly goes out of her way to help all participants achieve their goals. A participant recently shared how thankful they are for Kelly, for her compassion, and for all that she has done for them. Kelly, you’re a shining example of what our participants deserve: patience, perseverance, and a warm caring heart. Thank you for all that you do!

January 2024 – Racquel “Rockie” R. (Associate Manager of Day Center & Dietary Services)
Racquel has many “tasks” to do in her assigned job but often helps in other departments without being asked. You’ll find her helping out by doing dishes, serving lunches, and supporting new staff. She also helps out in other areas including transportation or wherever she’s needed. She’s a problem solver, a hard worker, and is dedicated to the wellbeing of both participants and staff. She’s selfless and helps out her team personally if they need her and always puts participants first. Thank you Rockie and congratulations!
Last updated 9.6.2024 I H5610_WEB

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