Our Committees

Participant Advisory Committee Meetings

The Care Resources Participant Advisory Committee (PAC) plays a crucial role in ensuring effective communication between participants and the Care Resources governing body. The goals of PAC meetings include improving service delivery, enhancing the participant and caregiver perspective within the participant plan of care, and keeping participants informed about any changes in the organization. If you’re a participant, caregiver, family member, or provider and interested in attending, please join us to provide your feedback and recommendations. Check out our Events Calendar for the next monthly meeting. Please contact Dawn Poeller, Director of Quality and Compliance at 616-913-2012, for more information.

Community Advisory Committee

The Community Advisory Committee at Care Resources plays a pivotal role in our program’s growth by actively engaging with members of the community. This committee provides direction and ideas on various aspects, including new program development, marketing initiatives, clinical care, and quality outcomes. Their valuable recommendations are shared with the Care Resources’ Board of Directors and staff, enabling us to enhance our services and better serve our participants. If you’re interested in joining, please contact Karen Altom, Office Manager, at 616-913-2036.

Last updated 07.02.2024 I H5610_WEB